A Concise Overview Of Custom Cardboard Box Inserts

According to today’s standards, the quality of your product is determined by how much value you add to it. As a result, many businesses employ various advertising strategies to increase sales with custom-printed Cardboard Box Inserts. These could include a lot of advertising, discounts, flash sales, and so on.

However, customization is unquestionably what captures a buyer’s attention. Giving your buyer a customized box makes them feel as if you know them. It also makes people feel like they are a part of the brand. But the most important aspect is that it distinguishes your brand from others. Custom cardboard box inserts are another option. So, the ability to change is the key to success.

Perks of Custom Inserts

As previously stated, there are numerous options for custom packaging inserts for boxes. It is now necessary to plan for the appropriate materials and design elements for your custom insert design. The extra time and effort required to create a personalized insert design can have significant benefits. Let’s look at some of the benefits of using custom box inserts in more detail:

Strong product protection

The most important function of your packaging is to ensure that your goods arrive intact. The last thing you want is for your customer to open a package only to discover that the special wine glass or new camera lens has been shattered into pieces. It makes no difference how good your products are or how attractive your packaging presentation is. 

Customers will be dissatisfied if their orders arrive damaged. And this incident may leave a negative impression on your brand, resulting in lost revenue. Wholesale inserts are intended to secure and protect your products within the shipping box. They will effectively secure your one-of-a-kind products, regardless of their shape, size, or quantity.

The environmental perspective

Consumers are concerned about the environment, which includes packaging. Nobody wants to add to landfills or leave a large carbon footprint. According to recent research on sustainability, the following conclusions have been reached:

  • 74% of those polled are willing to pay more for sustainable packaging, and nearly one-fourth are willing to pay a 10% or higher price increase.
  • 60% of consumers say they are less likely to purchase a product that comes in hazardous packaging.

Cardboard Inserts

The bottom line is that the more environmentally friendly your packaging is, the better.

Paper or cardboard inserts are not only easy to recycle, but also environmentally friendly. Look for companies that practice responsible forestry.

Want to take it a step further? Try inserts made of organic materials such as fungi. They’re not only environmentally friendly, but they’re also compostable at home. Who would have thought that discarded packaging could aid in the growth of a garden?


Custom printed cardboard inserts can deliver your packaging a polished appearance that customers will appreciate. They can present your items in such a way that your products become the focal point. 

A stunning presentation can result in significant marketing benefits. Unboxing videos, for example, are very popular these days. The amount of time spent watching unboxing videos on phones is equivalent to watching “Love Actually” over 20 million times. And the majority of the time spent on these videos is spent on the product packaging.

Finally, 72% of Americans agree that packaging can influence their purchasing decision, according to surveys. Looks are important in e-commerce and retail.

Improve awareness of brands

Customers will be more likely to notice your brand if you include custom corrugated box inserts. You can include your logo or use your brand colors in the insert. To achieve a raw and bare look, keep branding to a minimum.

Whatever style you choose, providing your customers with a thoughtful, high-end experience through your packaging will make your brand more memorable and exciting. And why is developing brand loyalty so critical? Consider the following:

  • Customers who are loyal to a brand spend 43% more money on that brand.
  • 94% of people said they would highly recommend a brand with which they were emotionally engaged.
  • 48% of consumers say they are more likely to become loyal to a brand after their first purchase or experience with it.
  • A product with branded packaging is more likely to be recommended by 50% of shoppers.

Cardboard Inserts

Custom packaging inserts are an excellent way to increase customer loyalty. If you don’t use your packaging to get your brand noticed, you could be throwing money away.

Powerful client relationship

Customers enjoy personalized boxes because they make the buyer feel special. Furthermore, customers are always excited and focused when they believe they are the only ones receiving something or are special in some way.

Including personal touches in your custom boxes with inserts in bulk can help you secure a customer for life. Thank-you notes or a list of what the brand stands for are examples of extras. Anything that demonstrates to the customer trust, authenticity, and care will be highly valued and can help ensure that they purchase from you again.

A few potential drawbacks

As with anything, there are some potential disadvantages to using custom box inserts. Ironically, many of their disadvantages are what distinguish custom inserts. There are three major drawbacks:

  • It’s a custom design: On the one hand, a custom design will set your brand apart. They will, however, take longer to complete than standard packaging. You can’t just grab these inserts off the shelf or place an order and expect them the next day.
  • These inserts are specific to the product: Sure, this means they’ll provide maximum protection and fit your products perfectly. However, if you sell a variety of products, this could be a problem. Creating specially designed inserts for shipping hundreds of different products could be a logistical nightmare.
  • They cost more than many other void-filling options: You must keep your budget in mind for all of your packaging requirements. Specially made affordable inserts may not fit your budget today, but they may be something to think about in the future.

Wrapping it all up

Custom box inserts can transform your packaging from unremarkable to eye-catching. Packaging inserts are only one part of your overall marketing strategy, but they can help you build trust, raise brand awareness, and improve your customers’ overall experience.

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