How to Write an Essay on Google’s Products and Services?


Google, a name widely known by all internet users, is a multi-national tech company specialising in internet-based products and services. These services include software and hardware, could-computing, search engine, online commercials etc. Google is one of the top four technology companies, and it has almost taken over the entire search engine market – 80% per cent, according to a recent survey.

In this blog, you will be provided helpful tips and tricks on writing an essay on Google’s products and services.

Main Products and Services:

The products and services offered by Google are hundreds, and they are completely diverse. However, the top and major products and services include the following:

  • Search tools
  • Advertisements
  • Mobile products
  • Different apps

In the article below, let’s discuss the different features and highlights of these products and services, which will help us write an essay on the same topic. You can also take help from online essay writing services to craft the best essay for you.

Planning Tools

At Google, high-level managers design and execute several strategic plans to predict the company’s future and dictate long-term goals. Such strategic plans show where the company wants to be in 5-10 years. The managers employ several strategies to organise and coordinate technology management across the complete enterprise. It helps improve not only the enterprise’s internal structure but also the features of the products and the services it offers to the users.

Search Products

Search products are known for providing consumers with the required information whenever needed. When you visit Google, you gain access to a repository of information on any topic of your choice. No matter the language in which you want the information and the topic, you will have always been able to access it whenever you want. It can be about business trends, past and present events, scientific or research articles, tech updates or anything in general. It uses universal search technology to seek all the information in a single Google query. The results are shown by Google when a search query is inserted on a rank system termed page rank. This ranking system increases the reliability of the data accessible to the users.


Since Google is widely used for millions of search queries every day, it results in a potentially high number of visitors to the website daily. Due to such high daily traffic, advertisements have become a source of high revenue for Google. It provides transactional and relationship marketing owing to its multiple web applications, ranging from social networking utilities to powerful search engines. Advertisers usually bid higher for their custom ads to be displayed when certain words are sought to lure a maximum number of visitors to their websites or businesses. When targeting certain demographics using Google ads, they successfully promote their products or services and benefit from Google.

Web Applications

With many web applications (apps) provided by Google, it helps direct users and consumers by enhancing their networking capabilities and promoting their networks. Google Products like Gmail, YouTube, and Google Docs increase the information disbursement regardless of the levels, i.e. targeted group sharing or personalised level. It enables the users of these products to work from anywhere and interact with other people around the globe online. These web applications can also be used to accomplish several other important factors as students, academic researchers and writers take advantage of such tools to quickly finish their tasks.

Mobile Applications

Google offers its users several cloud-based applications and other offline apps that help them for hundreds of different purposes. When you are not connected to the internet for a while, you can use offline apps and do the work that needs to be done. It truly helps you finish your projects faster. When you have to write an essay on the importance of the products and services of Google, you can further highlight and explain this point. The benefits of using such mobile applications are that they can be accessed from anywhere and utilised at any time of the day or night.

Google Maps

Google Maps is an online web mapping service offered by Google, and many of us benefit from it daily. It offers real-time satellite images and can help you find certain places around you, i.e. helps you with the directions. It also enables the consumer to know about the traffic conditions in certain routes and hence helps them to plan and organise the routes for navigation. You can easily see and use its in-built features, such as 360 degrees panoramic view of a place, street view and more.


YouTube is one of the best examples of the applications Google provides to its consumers. Even though it was not developed by Google initially, it was acquired by it in 2005. It is one of the largest video-sharing platforms allowing consumers to upload, watch, like/dislike, share, comment, subscribe, and even report harmful content online. When you have to write an essay on the importance of Google products and services, you can add this point to your essay, which will add value to it.


Gmail is again a subsidiary of Google, and in this day and age, there will hardly be a person who has not used it in their academic or professional life. It is part and parcel of online workspaces and academia. It is a free email service which supports advertisements. The testing phase of Gmail lasted for five years and started in 2004. Now, it offers 15GB of storage, and users can receive and send emails up to 50MB. However, these emails can have attachments too; to send or receive large files, they must be inserted from Google Drive first.


The countless services and products of Google can be added to your essay to express their significance. When you have to write an essay on the products/services of Google or both, it will be best to select the top of these and mention those in your article. It will add value to your work and enable you to achieve the desired grade in your essay. Adding useful facts and figures regarding the success and popularity of Google’s products and services shall also make your academic essay impeccable.

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