How To Write Clear And Simple Short Sentences – 2023 Guide

Sentence structure is one of the most important parts of writing. It’s what makes you sound like an educated person and it also allows your readers to understand what you’re saying.

But when it comes to sentence structure, there are some rules that are very hard to break.

One of the most common writing mistakes that students make is that they use long sentences. Long sentences can be hard to read and understand, which makes it difficult to get your point across in a clear and concise way.

Writing clear and simple sentences is a great way to improve your writing skills. Even when you are writing a critical analysis essay, it’s important to make sure your sentences are clear and easy to understand. This is especially true for short sentences, which are often used in emails and other messages.

So, if you want your sentences to be perfect, then we’ve got good news for you! In this guide, we’ll show you how to write clear and simple short sentences that don’t waste words or confuse readers. So, let’s start learning!

10 Easy Steps To Write Clear And Simple Short Sentences

Here are some steps that you can take to make sure your writing sounds professional, clear, and concise.

1. Start With The Subject, Not The Verb.

Start with the subject, not the verb. It’s a simple rule that can make your writing much clearer and more concise. It’s also one that many people seem to ignore. I see this all the time in my work as an editor, and it drives me crazy. The subject is who or what the sentence is about. The verb is what happened to that subject.

The problem is that people get so caught up in finding the perfect verb for their sentence—one that conveys just the right nuance of action or state of being—that they forget to make sure that verb actually fits with their subject. One of the best sentence structure techniques is to look at your subject, then write down all the things that happen to it. This will help you see what actions or states of being are possible for that subject. Then pick one and make sure it matches what you want your sentence to convey.

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2. Keep Sentences Simple And Straightforward.

The second step to writing clear, simple sentences is to keep them short. Long, complicated sentences can be difficult for readers to understand, even if they’re grammatically correct. They also waste words and add extra confusion. On the other hand, short sentences’ effect on the reader is not only powerful but also a positive one.

To avoid long sentences, use simple, direct language. If you need a word that sounds pretty but isn’t part of the language (e.g., “retrospect”), then just substitute it with an adjective that describes what you want people to know about your item (e.,g., “retro-styled”). This will help make your writing clearer and easier for everyone!

3. Avoid Clichés, Double Negatives, And Other Stilted Language.

Avoid jargon, slang, and cliches wherever possible. They are often used to sounding more intelligent than they really are and can make your writing confusing if you don’t know what they mean. It’s better to use the simplest word that will do the job rather than trying to show off by using an obscure word in an attempt to impress others with your vocabulary skills!

Similarly, avoid stilted language and other wordy constructions that make it harder to understand what you’re trying to say. Instead, try to use simple, everyday words that are easy to understand. This will help your readers to engage with your writing and make it easier for them to remember what they’ve read.

4. Create Short Paragraphs

Limit the number of sentences in a paragraph—no more than 3 or 4. This is not an exact number, but rather a rule of thumb that will help keep your writing concise and clear. Make sure that every paragraph has at least one topic sentence and at least one supporting detail before moving on to the next paragraph.

Also, use short words and phrases. Short words and phrases can make your writing more clear. They’re also a good way to avoid using too many words, which is an easy way to make your writing sound engaging. The idea is that you want readers to be able to skim your paragraph and still get an understanding of what it is about.

5. Use Active Verbs

Active verbs are more direct and concise than passive ones. They’re more interesting, too, because they show you what the subject of your sentence is doing instead of telling you about it. This is the reason expert writers at essay help online UK prefer to use active sentences over passive ones!

Active verbs also make your writing more lively and engaging, which makes them easier to understand. And finally (and most importantly), active verbs make your writing clear and simple—which is what we’re aiming here for! So as many active sentences as possible and eliminate all the passive sentences from, your writing.

6. Get Rid Of Distracting Words.

You want to write as clear and simple sentences as possible. So it’s important not to clutter up your work with unnecessary words. You can do this by cutting down on the use of unnecessary adverbs or adjectives. And also by putting variety in sentences.

Also, don’t use long words where shorter ones will do—even if they sound better! The more words you use, the harder it is for a reader to follow your argument. You want your readers to understand what you’re saying as quickly and easily as possible. So don’t be afraid of truncated sentences or simple language!

7. Use A Simpler Vocabulary.

Use simple words. Don’t use fancy words if they don’t contribute to the meaning of your sentence. The simpler you can make your vocabulary, the easier it will be for your readers to understand what you’re talking about. So make sure to use words that are familiar to your audience.  If a reader doesn’t know what something means, they won’t be able to follow along with your writing and may even lose interest in reading further.

Familiarity also makes us more likely to remember the information presented later on in the text (and therefore helps reinforce comprehension). So. it’s best to avoid jargon or technical terms where possible because these are often difficult for non-specialists to understand. Instead, use plain English explanations whenever possible!

8. Use Contractions And Short Forms Instead Of Full Phrases.

When you’re writing short sentences, it can be tempting to use full phrases and long words. But that can lead to confusion and unnecessary wordiness. What you need to do instead is use contractions and short forms instead of full phrases. You might be surprised to find that contractions and short forms are actually quite common in formal writing.

A contraction is a shortened form of a word that’s used in place of another word. For example: “I’m not hungry” can be shortened to “I ain’t hungry.” When you’re writing a short sentence, it’s important to use contractions and short forms instead of full phrases. A full phrase is complete, but it can be long and wordy, which can make it difficult to understand what you’re saying. A short form is just a single word or phrase that represents the idea in your sentence.

9. Edit Each Sentence Carefully

The best way to improve your writing is to read it aloud. If it sounds good when spoken, it will likely sound good when written down. Reading your work aloud can also help you catch any mistakes or awkward sentences that may have slipped by unnoticed. For example, if you stumble over a word, it is probably not clear enough. Or if you don’t understand what a sentence means, it needs to be reworked.

You need to make each sentence as clear as possible by using the correct level of detail. So, edit your work and make it perfect before publishing or submitting it.

10. Write With The Reader In Mind

When you’re writing, have in mind what your reader wants to know. Write for an audience and use simple language so that anyone can understand it. If your sentences are long, confusing, or have too many commas, you’re likely to lose the reader’s attention.


Avoid using jargon, slang, and idioms unless they are absolutely necessary for the story. So when you’re writing a short sentence, make sure that the sentence is clear and simple enough so that even if your reader doesn’t know something, they’ll still understand what you’re talking about.

End Note

Writing is an art, but it’s also a craft. Writing clear and simple sentences is an important skill, but it’s not something that comes naturally to everyone. You need to learn it with practice and dedication. A good writer knows how to make their writing clear and concise so that other people can understand what they mean. Don’t forget, you can use this 10-step guide to write clear and simple sentences. It might seem like a lot of steps to go through for a short sentence, but it’s really not that hard! You just have to be willing to put in the work and practice every day to see the actual effect of short sentences!

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